Product review: Maybelline Colossal Kajal

When I went to a Health and Glow shop in my city, I straightaway headed to the Maybelline counter to purchase a few lipsticks which I’d been lusting after. And my eyes wouldn’t stop looking only at the lipsticks (obviously!) and when I looked around the counter I found this Kajal by Maybelline. Doesn’t the word Maybelline Colossal sound familiar?  Their ‘oh so’ famous mascara is also under the same name. So knowing this product won’t disappoint me because the mascara didn’t, I decided to go ahead with buying this. (Not a surprise though!)

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And Divassence! is Born!!

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous – Coco Chanel 

Such wise words couldn’t be truer! Divassence! is our endeavour to give the Girl in YOU everything you need to be Classy AND Fabulous. 

 The woman of today is truly a Diva, being an amazing multitasker, handling the entire rigmarole of work while dealing with the cornucopia of family and home commitments. There isn’t anyone more deserving than this Diva, for a little pampering, a little luxury, and plenty of Me-time. This is where Divassence! comes into your lives. We hope to give you everything you need, to make that extra effort to doll-up, to look great and feel great, within and without. With a wide range of stuff, from make-up ideas and product recommendations, to simple cooking tips and dressing styles; from ideal colour sync options to intriguing trivia, from do-able craft ideas to Diva stories, we have it all lined up for the Diva in you! 

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