And We Are Back! A Few Thank Yous + Birthday Wishes!

BlendAnnnndddd.. We are back! With a bang? I guess so! Let me just tell you that moving from blogger to wordpress has to be one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make and well, after all the technical highs and lows, we are here! There is so much work left to be done but still, it’s up and live! 😀

Okay so this might seem like an Oscar speech but please bear with me since there are a few people I would quickly like to thank at this juncture. Nilabh, Janani’s sister’s Sowmya’s friend (phew!) who immediately agreed to take over the shifting process when I asked him if he could and he did an amazing job! Thank you 🙂 Also Sowmi (Janani’s sister) who immediately found the right person to help me when I was in need. Thank you love

Of course our very own techie Ghayathri who broke her head over every plugin and design. I don’t know what I would have done without you! Thank you sweetheart! <3

Kirthi and Janani, who volunteered to help categorize articles. Thank you 🙂

Last but not the least, Malcolm, who I call my brother who took care of everything from the start. If it wasn’t for him this whole process just wouldn’t have materialized. Thank you!

Once again, thank you all for your patience and kindness. I hope you enjoy the new layout. Suggestions and feedback are welcome.

P.S: it is Ghayathri’s birthday today and here’s wishing her a very happy and prosperous life ahead :* We love you girl! God bless!
